So, this weekend I am getting some kid-free time. For the first time in, well, about 5 years I guess…
What am I doing that warrants such a treat? I am going to the International Food Bloggers Conference (IFBC) in Seattle!
I am so looking forward to meeting new friends, learning new things, and of course eating lots of fabulous food (and spending some time doing something other than changing diapers, feeding babies and refereeing sibling fights).
I love doing this kind of thing. In a strange way.
I am an extreme introvert. I find my best peace when I am in my own head, away from the constant interaction of others. But, I also love to be around people and make new friends. It’s just a little bit harder for me than for some people.
I love to people watch. I love to observe and learn and just… be.
Sometimes it’s easier for me to just hide in my head, smile at people, and stop the interaction there. But that is a very lonely way to live. Especially when my days are filled with little children who are so full of needs and yet so limited in communication.
I am excited to spend time with some of the over-4-year-old crowd for a few days! (I’m also hoping I don’t ask too many people if they need to use the potty while it’s convenient, and that I don’t offer to wipe too many people’s faces and hands after they’re done eating!) ((HA!))
And now for some even more exciting news…
I’ve got a new cookbook out! (Well, it’s an ebook, but it’s my first and I’m super excited about it!)
20+ Pumpkin Recipes
It’s a collection of over 20 of my favorite pumpkin recipes in an easy to use ebook that you can download onto your computer, or open with a handy-dandy iPad app called The Cookbook Cafe that the fabulous people over at created!
I am so excited about this. Yes, I know they are my own recipes, but I use them all the time (have you noticed my pumpkin obsession?) and I love having a ‘hard copy’ of all my favorites in one handy place!
I hope you’ll enjoy it, and maybe even find some new favorites!
BakeSpace’s Cookbook Cafe
BakeSpace is an independent, grassroots community created by and for people who enjoy cooking, baking, and hanging out in the kitchen.
(Now, if only I had an iPad so I could enjoy that fabulous Cookbook Cafe app!) :o)