This one is in honor of my mom… (This is my favorite little bistro in Poulsbo) :o)
One of the many things I wish I could enjoy right now… a rhubarb crisp like this one I made several weeks ago!

…and the final pic. This is what I wish I could be doing right now!! :o) (Eating something and actually enjoying it!!) And it wouldn’t hurt to have my favorite little mexican here with me either! I miss you Priscila!
Well, I guess you’ve probably figured it out… the morning sickness has begun! Although I must admit I don’t really like the person who dubbed it “morning” sickness. There is nothing MORNING about it!!
I guess I have been lucky to have held off this long… I just hope I can keep my sanity through the next weeks of this! Any thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated! And yeah, I know… it’s all a good thing and a sign that things are probably progressing well with baby, but seriously, hearing that doesn’t make it any easier to go through! :o)
I still haven’t had my first doctor’s appointment yet, so no baby pics to post, but I will post one as soon as I get it! Oh, and thank you all so much for your notes, cards, comments, etc.! We are so blessed to have such amazing family and friends! We love you all!