“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for KitchenIQ. I received promotional items to thank me for my participation.”
We all have someone on our Christmas lists who is an avid kitchen enthusiast, but seems to have every gadget we can think of. It feels almost impossible to find something fun to give them, that they don’t already have and that also doesn’t break the bank.
Well, look no further, because these 3 little gadgets from KitchenIQ are perfect! They are different, better, and fun enough to be an exciting gift. And they are inexpensive enough to fill stockings, or buy all 3 and add some goodies to make a fun kitchen gift basket!
This Edge Grip Knife Sharpener is the #1 best selling knife sharpener on Amazon right now, and it’s easy to see why! It is compact, durable and incredibly easy to use. With 2 stages of sharpening (coarse for sharpening dull knives, and fine for polishing off knives that just need a little boost!) and a great price, this gift is a no-brainer, for yourself or anyone who owns a knife (so basically everyone!).
This 3-in-1 Potato Tool is so fun and probably my favorite new little kitchen gadget in a long time. The peeler is sharper than any I’ve ever owned, the scrub brush is wonderful, and the best part… hiding in the handle is a paring knife! No more grabbing out 3 different things to get those potatoes washed/peeled and cut. I just love things that simplify my kitchen, and you probably do too!
And this Better Zester is just perfectly named! It really is the best zester I have ever seen/owned or used (and I have tried a lot of zesters in my day!).
I got to spend some time showing some friends these new fun gadgets recently, and we all had so much fun, especially with this zester. As you can see, we even grated tangerines we were just having so much fun!
Besides being incredibly sharp, with these neat little v-shaped blades and a non-stick coating, these zesters have a party going on in the back. We all had never seen anything like this!
After you zest your citrus (or grate your garlic or fresh ginger!), turn over the zester and see the magic…
The cover on the back catches all the beautiful, fragrant zest! No mess on the counter and bits scattered everywhere! And then, when you want to get it out…
slide down the cover and it has a cute little scraper that scrapes down all the zest off the back of the blades. And the back cover also has measurements on it so you can see how much you have!
Like I said, I just love things that simplify my life, and these 3 products are a kitchen game-changer for me. Seriously, so fun, handy and USEFUL!
You can find all of these gadgets on the KitchenIQ website, or on Amazon (If you have Prime, you can have these here in just 2 days… and all the procrastinators rejoiced!). ;o)
I just want to remind all of you lovely people who read down here to the bottom of this: I will never, ever tell you I love a product if I don’t! I was given these products to review, but I absolutely love them, I am thrilled to share them with you, and I’m already looking forward to sneaking a few of these into some loved ones’ stockings this Christmas!
#SharpenYourKitchenIQ #IC #sponsored