Here’s a few recent pics of our latest fun! :o) Our cousins Ann & Len (& Benjamin & Cameron) from Indiana came to visit over syttende mai… All the family was together and we had a wonderful day! Navy can’t stop talking about his cousins! And then on Memorial Day Andrew, Navy and I went for a drive out to the coast for the day… We live in a beautiful place out here!
Navy drinking his morning coffee in preparation for the big parade and fun! ;o) Don’t you love that shirt?

This was a huge cedar tree on a play day we took out to the coast on memorial day!
Andrew & Navy posing for the camera at Kalaloch Lodge on the Washington coast.
Ok, seriously… check out the water in that bath!! YUCK! That’s what happens when you put two dirty cousins who have had way too much fun into the same bath! (Most of that dirt came off their feet) :o)
Hugs at the 17th of may parade in Ballard! :o) Is that a patriotic shirt or what?
Thanks for checking out our lives! :o)