I sometimes don’t know how we survived without this beauty in our kitchen. Even just the ice & water in the door, something we’ve never had before, seems so essential to us now.
Spoiled maybe? Yes, absolutely. But I’d rather think of it as a blessing than as a ‘spoiling’!
I had no real problems with my old fridge, but I would never choose to go back after trying out this big beautiful new Maytag Ice20 French Door Refrigerator.
Yes, my whole family loves the ice and water in the door (Hello? Dr Pepper poured over a big glass of freshly crushed ice? Heavenly!)… but do you wanna know my favorite thing about this fridge?
I just love how deep and roomy it is!
I love that I can go grocery shopping, come home, put away all the groceries, make a big pot of soup, and still be able to fit that whole pot of soup easily into the fridge to reheat the next day.
I can thaw roasts & turkeys, and I can prep slow cooker meals the night before, without ever even worrying about wether or not I will be able to fit that stuff into the fridge!
I also love the extra middle fridge drawer. We keep it stocked with fruits and veggies, and even Bjørn & Haakon (3 1/2 & 2 years old!) love to grab their own apples and carrots. They feel so grown up, and all of a sudden eating veggies is fun for my picky toddlers. How is that not a great thing?!
With the holiday baking season in full swing, this beautiful fridge is getting a workout. And I am grateful for it every single day when I walk into my kitchen!
Want to hear some other moms’ thoughts on their Maytag appliances? Check out Maytag’s facebook and twitter pages!
“I wrote this post participating in an Maytag Moms Dependable Kitchen Ambassador program by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Maytag. I was provided with a Maytag kitchen appliances set, including a refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, and range to facilitate my post.”