I have so many good things to say about my new Maytag Kitchen. I could really go on and on about all the things I love about my new appliances… but the bottom line is, my life is that much easier now than it was 6 months ago, and I am so grateful to Maytag for that! As a busy, overwhelmed mom, I am all about making life easier. But do you want to know what I have loved the most about Maytag? The amazing customer service I have received! We have had a few very minor issues, and they were handled so well and so quickly I could hardly believe it! I was seriously in shock at how fast and well our glitches were resolved. 10 gold starts Maytag!! There is not one of our new appliances that is not used every single day. I bake or cook something on our range every day. I reheat my coffee in the microwave multiple times a day. :o) We run the dishwasher at least once a day! And obviously… the fridge is well loved and used! I have never been much of a microwave user, but I have to say, it is so nice to be able to reheat two plates at once in this gigantic beautiful microwave. When I do need it, I am so grateful that it’s there… if you have little kids close in age, you know how hard it is for one of them to wait there turn for the other. Two plates of mac & cheese heated up at once = happy kids and happy mama! The fridge has still not worn off its novelty… the littles love opening the middle drawer and getting their own apples/carrots/string cheeses out for a snack. I love that they can grab something healthy, without me having to do it for them! And I have yet to run out of room in the fridge, even after major Costco-stockup trips!
The dishwasher is… well… a dream. I barely ever remember to rinse any dishes and have yet to have one dish come out less than perfectly clean. My kids think it’s the funnest game to load and unload the dishwasher, and you know what? After not having a working dishwasher at all for about 6+ months… I think it’s a pretty fun game too!! (My other favorite feature of our dishwasher? The “extra dry” function! No more drippy dishes or leaving the door open for an hour before you can put stuff away!)
Check out Maytag’s website, Twitter and/or Facebookfor more information and reviews from other moms in the Maytag Moms program!
“I wrote this post participating in an Maytag Moms Dependable Kitchen Ambassador program by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Maytag. I was provided with a Maytag kitchen appliances set, including a refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, and range to facilitate my post”