I have an addiction.
It’s unhealthy, and healthy at the same time. I’m not proud of it, but I also am very proud of it.
I am addicted to my baby… I am addicted to his smell. His kisses. His smiles. The feel of his soft downy hair, and his chubby smooth cheeks. I am addicted to the warmth and coziness of him being in my arms.
I am addicted… to baby wearing.
What started as a mere convenience – being able to have my arms back while still holding my fussy, miserable newborn – turned into a full-blown addiction, complete with now 5 baby carriers.
It all started with this Balboa Baby sling.
My mom bought it for me, and it was so fun to ‘hide’ my baby in there when he was brand new!
But Bjorn soon started fighting being ‘bunched up’, because of all the pain he was in. Enter the Moby.
Our favorite friend, and miracle-worker. Still my all-time favorite baby carrier, even though we don’t use him much any more. Nothing compares to the closeness, comfort for both baby and mama, and all-day-wearability!
We lived in this thing for months! (I even have 2, because if one was in the wash, we needed to be able to wear the other!) The only down-side, for us? It’s not too convenient for occasional wear and lots of ‘in and out’.
Now that Bjorn is bigger (and feeling a lot better, thanks to his reflux meds!), we have been using mostly our Baby Bjorn carrier. Great for short wear, or lots of in and out, the Baby Bjorn is an old standby for most people. I like it. And it’s the only one my husband will wear!
My biggest complaint with the Baby Bjorn? Since my baby Bjorn doesn’t like to face out (too much stimulation!), he is constantly ‘walking’ on my legs, leaving bruises if I have to wear him for too long! What now?
Well, we are now getting to know our newest friend… Ergo. So far, we like him. A lot! We’ve only had him for a few days, and are still getting used to the feel of it all, but it’s so much more comfortable for me than the Baby Bjorn, as my Bjorn’s legs sit more around my hips instead of just dangling straight down!
I’m sure I will have lots more to say about this newest friend of ours as we get to know him better! :o)