This past weekend, we got to spend a little quality time with my brother at a Starbucks in the City. I love Starbucks. I love the City. And I love my brother. I was happy.
As you can see, we think it’s important to start young: teaching our kids to appreciate life’s little joys… coffeelove being one of them!
We think Bjorn looks a lot like his uncle… except for the brown eyes and the ohsochubby cheeks, that is! They’ve got the same hands, the same feet… Actually one of the first thoughts I remember having after meeting my son for the first time was how much he looks like my brother. It’s a good thing we like my brother! :o)
Navy adores his uncle, and loves to be a ‘big kid’ now that he has a little brother around. It’s amazing sometimes to see how quickly someone can grow up once the responsibility of a younger sibling comes into their life. Navy wants so much to be a good example, a helper and most importantly – a friend to Bjorn. I can’t wait to see these two grow up and get to know each other!
Note the coffeelove… smart kid, if I do say so myself! :o)
Thanks for hanging out with us, Uncle Erik! We love you!