My aunt and uncle brought us a package of steel-cut oats, and it has been staring at me for several months… every single time I open the cupboard. (Thank you Uncle Gary & Aunt Marilyn!) :o)
I love steel-cut oats, and have made them before, but I just don’t love the time it takes to make them. Start them in the morning and by the time they’re done, you’ve already eaten 3 snacks and are almost ready for lunch! (What? You don’t wake up as hungry as I do??)
Anyways… this recipe perfectly solves that time problem! No fuss, no waiting (well, waiting while you sleep, but that just doesn’t count!) and you have a beautiful bowl of filling, delicious oatmeal waiting for you when you wake up!
(Not to mention the wonderful smell your house is filled with! Let me just tell you, it’s an amazing way to wake up in the morning. Take it one step further and set your coffee maker on auto and you’ve got a perfect morning all waiting for you!)
We like to eat ours topped with a bit more brown sugar and some milk or cream. Or my favorite – stir in some frozen berries and they will both thaw quickly in the hot oatmeal and cool down the oatmeal enough to eat without burning your mouth!
And in case you were wondering… my ohsopicky 2 year old loved this breakfast! And my justlearningtoeat 6 month old enjoyed a few little tastes as well! Oh, and our opinionatedarticulate 9 year old thought it was ok, but he “needs to get used to the texture of steel-cut oats.”
And husband, if you are reading this… I plan on throwing this into the crockpot at least once or twice a week, if not every single day!
- 1 1/2 cups steel-cut oats
- 6 cups water
- 3/4 cup milk
- 3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
- 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons butter
Stir everything together in your slow cooker. Turn on LOW and cook for 8 or so hours (while you sleep!).
When it's done in the morning, it will still look watery (the cinnamon floats on the top and the water looks like it hasn't absorbed!) but give it a good stir and it will all come together perfectly!
You can store any leftovers in the fridge to heat up later! (This amount makes enough for 4-5 big bowls of oatmeal.)