For this first week of my “New Favorites” challenge, I went to my cookbook-laden bookshelf and quite randomly pulled out a book. Risotto, by Maxine Clark. Pretty self-explanatory title there for ya! :o) I bought this book a few years ago on impulse and hadn’t gotten around to trying any of the recipes yet!
Simple enough… I love risotto! Something about it’s creamy richness and the simple, continuously hands-on preparation just speaks to my foodie-soul. And I just happened to have a few steaks thawing for an undetermined meal that would be great with a side of creamy, rich risotto!
Looking through the book at all the beautiful, drool-inspiring photos and recipes… I was quickly drawn to the Artichoke & Pecorino Risotto Recipe. It was everything I wanted… creamy rice, rich cheese, tangy wine, earthy pan-seared artichoke hearts… and to make things even better – I had all the ingredients I needed on hand!
Let me just tell you… I will be going back to this cookbook again and again when I have risotto cravings! Wow. Just… wow.
Want to know my all-time hands-down favorite-risotto-recipe-ever?? This Red Wine Risotto with Peas from Giada DeLaurentiis! It is amazing! Seriously. Probably on my top 10 favorite foods of all time. Quite possibly.
If you want to join me in this challenge… let me know, and if there’s enough interest, I’ll set up a Linky here so we can easily share each others finds!