I am sitting here in absolute shock typing these words.
My little boy…
My first sweet little baby.
The boy who made me “mom” is 3 years old today!
3 years ago I was in a hospital room waiting as patiently as possible to meet my little boy… now, I can’t imagine life without him and I can hardly remember life before him!
Bjørn Mikael,
I am so blessed to be your mom. You challenge me every single day, and your spirit brings light to my life.
Sometimes I think God gave you to me specifically to bring forward all of my insecurities, smudges, and areas that need refining. I thought I was a pretty calm, even-keeled person… until I had you.
I thought I was patient… until I had you. I thought I was strong and self-reliant… until I had you.
You have pushed me closer to God in ways that I never could have imagined. I need Him more now than I ever did before, and I am so glad that you have helped show me that.
Yes, we have our battles. You are just as stubborn as I am, if not more! We have a lot in common, you and I, and it’s such an interesting journey to experience the good and the bad of yourself in another person!
I love you so much sweet boy. My life changed forever the day I found out you were coming. When I saw you, and held you, for the first time, my life centered and found its purpose.
You fit, you were perfect and you were perfectly mine.
I’m sorry I struggle so much in being a mom. I really thought this would be an easy thing for me, but boy was I wrong! And unfortunately for you, being my firstborn, you experience the worst of my failures as I see them come to light.
But you seem to love me anyways… And that love is why I get out of bed every morning!
Thank you for making me Mom!
Here’s a little glimpse of who you are at 3 years old:
You love to watch tv as long as you can control the remote. You prefer the credits, previews and special features of “ddd’s” more than the actual movies!
I took you to the store this morning and let you pick out your own special birthday treats. You wanted a maple donut for breakfast (which you ate only the top of!), some “booas” (giant easter egg marshmallows this time) for snack, and “macker cheese” for dinner. I wasn’t surprised. :o)
Your favorite foods are noodles with butter, goldfish crackers, “cabby patties” (hamburgers/breakfast sandwiches), “booas” (marshmallows), yogurt, toast with butter, milk, candy of course, and “peanut butter celery time!”
Oh, and popcorn!! I can’t believe I almost forgot popcorn! You see, we can’t even say that word around you because you absolutely flip out from excitement (and then disappointment if we’re not actually having it!).
You love to go to church and play in the nursery. I think it’s your favorite place in the world besides “Bapa’s house”!
You are Daddy’s boy through and through. You are never happier than when you have a tool in hand, and you often sleep with a hammer or saw at night. You also love your gadgets… your LeapPad or grandpa’s phone being your favorites right now!
You love Dora & Diego, Elmo & Cookie Monster… you picked Cookie Monster for your birthday cake theme this year (we’ll see if I can actually pull that off!).
You give great hugs and kisses, when you are in the mood… otherwise it’s “Ewww YUCK mom! NO KISSES!” :o)
Oh, and you insist on wearing a hood… all. the. time. If your shirt or jacket doesn’t have a hood, you get quite upset. I’m not sure what you are going to do this summer!
You are growing up way too fast.
And that is all. Slow down sweet boy. Slow down.
I love you so much sweet boy.