Hi! I’m so glad you’re here!
Do you ever just want to treat yourself (say, with an amazing chocolate chip cookie!) but you don’t want to feel guilty about it later?
Well, I’ve got the solution for you right here, with this Crazy, Healthy, Good Chocolate Chip Pan Cookie!
Ok, maybe it’s not super healthy, because this does have sugar in it. But even that sugar is organic, and part of it good-for-you coconut palm sugar!
What does this cookie not have? Flour, eggs, butter… seriously. I know. Stop it already, right?!
This cookie sounds crazy. Almost horrible. But so crazy that it is worth trying, if only just to say you did.
(Yep, that’s why I tried it. My friend kept talking about it, for like – years, and I thought she was just a tad bit nutso. But I also got tired of wondering why she kept talking about it and so, maybe just a little to shut her up if it was not good, I tried it.)
And you know what? I am so glad I finally tried it!
And you will be glad you tried it… and your friends and family will never know it’s so healthy, I promise!