You know how every year you carve pumpkins and throw away all that orange gloppy mess full of seeds out of the insides?
Well, stop doing that! :o)
It just takes a few minutes to sort through the insides to get out all the seeds, and it is so worth it!
- (I bet you can’t guess which one was mine!)
I have so many fun memories of carving pumpkins growing up, but I have to tell you, the highlight every single year was snacking on the seeds that my mom roasted while we carved our pumpkins.
They were just so good. Lots of butter, a good hit of seasoned salt or salt & pepper, and you’ve got one of my all-time favorite fall treats.
I don’t know about you, but food, drinks, and smells always bring forth so many memories for me. I think every really special time and event in my life is strongly tied to a food memory.
That is part of why I love cooking and baking so much. I love being a part of the true memory-making, for my family especially, but really for anyone and everyone.
I love traditions and this was such a fun tradition from my childhood to recreate with my own kids. (Thanks for starting this memory-making with us, mom! )
- seeds from a freshly cut pumpkin, separated from the insides and rinsed well
- 2-3 tablespoons butter, depending on how many seeds you get
- 1/2 teaspoon or so Johnny's seasoning (or salt and pepper), to taste
Preheat the oven to 400ºF and line a baking sheet with foil.
Pat your well-rinsed pumpkin seeds dry with a clean towel.
In a medium bowl, toss them dry seeds with melted butter and seasoning to taste.
Spread the seeds on the baking sheet and place in the oven to roast for 15-20 minutes.
Keep an eye on them so they don't burn, they are done when they are nice and golden brown! the way, once you sort out the seeds from the gunk (which is a good older-kid task, by the way!) these are absolutely a cinch to make. I think you will be as addicted as we are!